Sunday, July 10, 2011

A week of Taproot

Oh dear, it's been a week since I've posted. Some of that is busy-ness, some of it is because we didn't really use many new recipes or ideas I hadn't blogged about before. But I'll give you a run-down of the meals last week so you can nonetheless see how we've been using up the box:

Monday: we were pretty low on box veggies, so I made a plum curry with plums frozen from the fruit box last summer, chickpeas, and our second-last (!) jar of tomatoes.

Tuesday: Kenneth made a really tasty quick stir-fry with whole pea pods and sliced fennel; a bit of white wine, I think, and some herbs. He served it with a fish casserole - tasty.

Sometimes I think kids have an instinct about how food 'naturally' looks - Ria ate pea pods straight out of the box on Tuesday, but refused them when cooked and on her plate. Likewise she'll eat carrots if I send the baby carrots we've been getting recently whole, unscraped (merely washed) in her lunch bag, but not if they're cut up into sticks. Ditto for radishes - straight out of the box covered in dirt, but not if they're sliced on a plate. She eats arugula, parsley, chives and mint straight out of the garden, but not only won't touch lettuce at dinner, she scatters it on the floor in protest. Tonight she ate raw zucchini when I was preparing it for dinner but turned up her nose at the cooked version.

Wednesday: We were planning on having friends over for a BBQ but there was a mix-up, so by the time we figured that out we were starving and it was late. So we ate the kale chips and french-cut oven-baked potatoes which we had made (I think I've provided the recipes for both before), tossed a salad, and saved the hamburgers for the following night. Ria actually enjoyed the kale chips for a while - yippee! the first leafy-green veggie she likes (at least the first not covered in dirt) - before starting to throw them on the floor. Oh, and we ate the strawberry-glazed pie!

Thursday: The friends came over so we had hamburgers made from meat-share ground beef, a fresh salad they prepared with some of their Taproot produce and some from their own garden (already!), and pickles from the cold cellar.

Friday: Celeriac soup and wisdom-teeth chicken soup (the best soup I have ever tasted - Kenneth promises to post the recipe, which he invented, sometime) defrosted from the freezer and mixed together.

Lunches: salads, salads and more salads!


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